Sorted by Age | Dutch Art Education

Paintig trees wit acrylic paint  Published on 2010-09-26

Paintig trees wit acrylic paint

Open project

25 items
10527 hits

all agespermalink

Prepairing dry clay  Published on 2010-09-17

Prepairing dry clay

Open project

11 items
6371 hits

all agespermalink

Prepairing wet clay  Published on 2010-09-17

Prepairing wet clay

Open project

13 items
6451 hits

all agespermalink

Construct paper / acrylaat shelter (free project)  Published on 2010-09-15

Construct paper / acrylaat shelter

Open project

50 items
9933 hits

from 16 yearspermalink

Free example - Modeling a head out of clay (free project)  Published on 2010-08-30

Free example - Modeling a head out of clay

Open project

9 items
11077 hits

from 16 yearspermalink